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A Call to Action: Furthering the fight against falsified and substandard medical products

  • Published: Sep 15, 2020
  • Source: CAE
  • Font size: BigMediumSmall

The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) has recently launched the new Statement ‘A Call to Action: Furthering the fight against falsified and substandard medical products’ to support the call for a comprehensive, well-resourced, international effort to address this medical problem.

The IAP Statement affirms the importance of warning the public about the risk of buying prescription medicines over the internet and of advising online purchase only through certified internet pharmacies. It also decries the delays and the insufficient resources invested in this fight, and underscores the fact that the prevention of this threat requires improved access to legitimate, quality medical products, including equitable pricing policies and better healthcare coverage.

Download Statement: 
A Call to Action: Furthering the fight against falsified and substandard medical products