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CAE project to alleviate poverty in Lancang holds acceptance meeting

  • Published: Sep 7, 2021
  • Source: CAE
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On August 27, 2021, the final acceptance meeting for CAE's consulting and research project Exploration and Practice of Poverty Alleviation through Science and Technology in Lancang County was held at Yunnan Agricultural University. The seven-member review team composed of CAE members and experts such as Song Bao'an, Kang Zhensheng and Liu Zhonghua, project leader CAE member Zhu Youyong, and more than 20 project team members from the Agriculture Division of CAE, Yunnan Agricultural University, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lancang Lahu Autonomous County and others attended the meeting.


Associate Professor Huang Huichuan of the project team made a concluding report on the project. The review team reviewed the project summary report, keynote report and financial statements, and fully questioned and discussed them. The review team said they believe the project team has analyzed the current situation of agricultural production resources and the main reasons for poverty in ethnic minorities that transitioned from primitive society to socialist society directly in Lancang County. Using field research, it explored and established a sustainable development model for poverty alleviation through industry development that is led by technology and requires win-win cooperation by government, businesses and farmers, which has accelerated poverty alleviation through technology and helped Lancang County rise from poverty. During implementation of the project, the project team has strictly carried out the tasks under the project contract, provided comprehensive materials and reliable data, used research funds as ear-marked, and successfully completed all the research content and assessment indicators stipulated in the project contract. The project results successfully promote the development of local agriculture with local features, which will be of great significance to rural revitalization. On that basis, the review group unanimously agreed to approve the final acceptance.