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Research into green agricultural transition launched in Beijing

  • Published: Mar 26, 2022
  • Source: CAE
  • Font size: BigMediumSmall

The inaugural meeting of the Chinese Academy Engineering consulting project A Study on the Green Transformation Strategy for China’s Agriculture in the Context of Carbon Peaking and Neutrality Goals was held in a hybrid online-offline session in Beijing on February 26, 2022.


The project team gave a detailed report on the project’s objectives, tasks, general ideas, research methods and organization, then proposed pathways for Chinese agricultural transformation in planting, breeding, production and the entire industrial chain. 


Experts said they highly appreciate the project, saying it combines carbon peaking and neutrality goals with green development and has practical significance and imperativeness. It is also hoped that the project will prioritize research into S&T innovation from the perspectives of planting, breeding and products while supporting national food security and carbon neutrality. It is also hoped that the project will clarify the boundary of agricultural carbon emissions, specify basic agricultural carbon emission rights that satisfy the need for survival and development, and put forward practical and feasible policy recommendations.