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Research concluded on sustainable development of edible bamboo for giant pandas

  • Published: Mar 24, 2022
  • Source: CAE
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The Strategic Study on the Sustainable Management of Food Bamboo Forest for the Giant Panda and Fire Prevention toward 2035, a research and consulting project by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, was subject of a final acceptance meeting at a hybrid online-offline session at Nanjing Forestry University on February 24, 2022.


Prof. Liu Xiaodong and Prof. Ding Yulong of the project team presented reports on completion of A Study on Forest Fire Prevention towards 2035 and A Study on S&T Innovation and Policy Guarantee for Sustainable Management of Food Bamboo Forest for Giant Panda, respectively. 


Through substantial questioning and discussion, the review team evaluated the project summary report, related materials and recommendation report formed via studying relevant literature at home and abroad and conducting field studies. It concluded that the project team well analyzed the current situation in China and discovered problems with staple-food bamboo for the giant panda. The project team also formulated a strategic plan for development of a forest fire prevention system by 2035. It also laid out strategic goals in the sustainable management of staple-food bamboo in the Giant Panda National Park and a strategy for the resource conservation and utilization subject to the specific conditions of different nature reserves.


The project team completed the tasks and indicators in accordance with the plan, with highly innovative research results and targeted policy recommendations. The review team unanimously agreed to approve its conclusion and acceptance.