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Acceptance meeting for rice industry research held in Hangzhou

  • Published: Mar 19, 2022
  • Source: CAE
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The acceptance meeting for the Strategic Study on the Development of China’s Functional Rice Industry, a strategic research and consulting project of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, was held at a hybrid online-offline session in Hangzhou on February 19, 2022.


Researcher Fang Fuping of the project team gave a detailed report on the progress and research results, which the review panel followed with profound questioning and discussion. 


The review panel concluded that the project team had systematically classified functional rice varieties through literature searches, field trips and questionnaires; it studied variety selection and breeding, technology R&D, current development and operation of typical enterprises in the industry at home and abroad through extensive field research and data collection and analysis; it conducted a comprehensive survey on consumer behavior with functional rice; it proposed the basic ideas, development pathways, S&T strategies and guarantees for the development of functional rice in China. 


In the view of the review panel, the project has solid research, comprehensive content and informative materials. It used project funds in an appropriate manner and achieved the expected results. The report will provide a valuable reference in leading more scientific research into rice and also promote supply-side structural reform of China's rice industry. The review panel unanimously agreed to approve the acceptance.