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Research into innovative development pathways for ethnic medicine unveiled in Kunming

  • Published: Apr 24, 2022
  • Source: CAE
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The Research on Innovative Development Pathway of Ethnic Medicine, a strategic research and consulting project by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), was launched in Kunming on March 24, 2022. 


The project team outlined the project’s objectives, assessment indicators, implementation schedule, research methods, plan, cost, progress and risks control. 


Participants held discussions on the specific work and agreed that the research should focus on in-depth case analyses of innovative developments in ethnic medicine and providing relevant policy suggestions.


CAE member Zhu Zhaoyun gave a concluding speech for the meeting calling for further improvement of the project’s implementation plan in accordance with the consensus of the meeting and suggestions from experts. Zhu also made arrangements for the next step in the research work.