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Research project focuses on governance system in engineering education

  • Published: Jul 23, 2022
  • Source: CAE
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Research on the Governance System of Engineering Education under the Great Change, a strategic consulting project by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), was inaugurated at a meeting on the morning of June 23, 2022.


Focused on the theme of "modernizing the governance system of engineering education and cultivating a large number of outstanding engineers", the project has nine  sub-projects and involves 56 CAE members and more than 100 experts.


Gu Peihua, Director of the Emerging Engineering Education Centre of Tianjin University, introduced the project from six aspects – background, objectives, research content, technical routes, schedule and expected results –followed by briefs from the nine sub-project teams.


CAE member Lin Zhongqin, the co-leader of the project, outlined current problems and solutions in engineering education from the perspectives of student pool, professional training, engineering experience, employment and entrepreneurship. 


Focusing on key problems, scholars and experts also put forward constructive opinions on further improving the project’s work plan and promoting quality implementation.


In his summary speech, CAE member Jin Donghan said he appreciated support from the CAE and the Ministry of Education, and called for each team to cooperate closely with experts in the industry and academia while improving internal communication, stressing that a concerted effort is needed to ensure the project’s high-quality.