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Frontiers of Engineering Management holds annual editorial board meeting

  • Published: Mar 29, 2024
  • Source: CAE
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The editorial board of Frontiers of Engineering Management (English version) held its 2023 working meeting at the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) on February 29, 2024. Chaired by CAE member Ding Lieyun, Executive Editor-in-Chief of the journal, the meeting attracted over 50 participants, including CAE members and experts from domestic and international universities, the Higher Education Press, and the journal’s editorial department.


The Office of Academics and Publishing briefed development of the academy's publications, which have made rapid progress and expanded their influences under the strong CAE leadership. Notably, the Frontiers of Engineering Management (English version), one of the CAE’s "1+9" publications, has gained good momentum and become a key player in China's engineering journals.


Professor Wang Hongwei, Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief, reported on the journal's work in 2023 and outlined the work plan for 2024. Through joint efforts by the academy, the editorial board, expert contributors and the editorial department, the journal has increased its influence, achieving an impact factor close to nine and positioning it for potential inclusion in the Q1 category of the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). The journal, now indexed in databases such as Scopus and CSCD, was selected as one of "Most Internationally Influential Chinese Academic Journals 2023”. In 2024, the journal plans to further expand its international presence through various measures and will actively organize the second conference of Frontiers of Engineering Management (2024FEM).


During the meeting, editorial board members engaged in a lively discussion on various topics, including contributors, review, publication and promotion. They provided valuable suggestions such as focusing on cutting-edge topics, improving writing quality, and enhancing international cooperation.