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CAE launches research on synergistic medical approach in cancer prevention and treatment

  • Published: Feb 11, 2024
  • Source: CAE
  • Font size: BigMediumSmall

The Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) launched the strategic research and consulting project, "The Synergistic Innovation Mechanism between Cancer Medical Prevention and Treatment", on January 11, 2024. Chaired by CAE member Chen Saijuan, the meeting had more than 30 participants.


Chen introduced the project background and research approach. Focusing on leukemia, lung cancer and breast cancer, the three typical malignant tumors, the research will explore coordinated efforts within two organizational structures: prevention and medical treatment. Task groups also presented their research topics, methodologies, preliminary work and plans.


CAE member Chen Zhu said that the synergistic approach should be promoted from both health economics and sociology perspectives. While studying the pathological characteristics of cancer, it is also vital to address general problems under the influence of various chronic diseases, and conduct both patients-based and population-based cohort studies to reveal the complex relationships, thus enhancing the cancer prevention and treatment to a new level.