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Research on rational use of abandoned farmland passes acceptance in Beijing

  • Published: Jan 5, 2024
  • Source: CAE
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The completion and acceptance meeting for research on the rational utilization of abandoned farmland, a strategic research and consulting project of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) led by CAE member Nan Zhibiao, was held in Beijing on December 5, 2023. The review panel consisted of several CAE members and experts. Members of the project team and staff from the CAE also attended the meeting.


Arable land is fundamental to agricultural development and vital for farmers' livelihood, directly affecting national food security. As a result, it’s important to conduct dynamic monitoring of and explore reasons behind abandoned farmland to effectively curb the phenomenon, and enhance crops production and supply. Against this background, the project team used methods such as remote sensing, surveys of farmers, discussions with experts and government departments, literature research, and case studies. The research focused on the abandonment rate of arable land, factors, and existing problems in 10 of the country’s provinces and autonomous regions. The effort resulted in a research report that provides scientific support for the national management of abandoned farmland.