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Agricultural security research project concluded in Beijing

  • Published: Jan 1, 2024
  • Source: CAE
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The completion meeting for the research on strategic issues of China’s agricultural security, a strategic research and consulting project of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) led by CAE member Zhang Shougong, was convened in Beijing on December 1, 2023.


The review panel was comprised of 13 experts with more than 20 experts from the project team also participating in the meeting.


Considering that security is the bottom line for agricultural development, the project team conducted research and analyses on various aspects including zoonotic disease prevention and control under new circumstances, plant disease and pest monitoring and early warning, control management, key technologies, overall strategy, ecological safety evaluation, and ecological shelter construction. The project proposed requirements and policy recommendations, in a research report and several suggestions, providing scientific decision-making basis and references for China’s agricultural security.