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2024 China Engineering Science and Technology Forum held in Beijing

  • Published: Jul 26, 2024
  • Source: CAE
  • Font size: BigMediumSmall

The 2024 China Engineering Science and Technology Forum was successfully held in Beijing on June 26. Li Xiaohong, President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), participated in the Forum, which was co-chaired by CAE Vice President Wang Chen and CAE Secretary-General Chen Jianfeng.

More than 500 CAE members, nearly 20 CAE international members, over 20 representatives from local research institutes, and 100 staff members of the CAE attended the forum.

Organised by the CAE, the Forum was a significant part of the 17th General Assembly of the CAE. Seven CAE members shared insights and development trends in the fields of energy security, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, intelligent manufacturing, and the low-altitude economy. They provided valuable ideas to cultivate new quality productive forces, receiving enthusiastic responses and high praise from academicians and industry experts.