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Research on long-term mechanism for stable and sustainable grain production concluded in Zhengzhou

  • Published: May 25, 2024
  • Source: CAE
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The acceptance meeting for the "Research of Long-term Mechanism for Stable and Sustainable Grain Production", a strategic research and consulting project of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), was held in Zhengzhou City on April 25, 2024. The acceptance team consisted of eight CAE members and experts.


Based on a comprehensive analysis of China's grain policy evolution, spatiotemporal changes in grain production and outstanding issues, the project team conducted a quantitative analysis of factors affecting the transformation of grain production. Drawing on domestic and international experiences, the team proposed an overall framework, key tasks, major projects, and policy recommendations for establishing a long-term mechanism for stable and sustainable grain production in China. A research report was formed and multiple suggestions were submitted to Henan Province and relevant ministries, providing important references for the country to reinforce the foundation of food security.