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New research into urban public transport launched in Beijing
On September 2, a meeting was held in Beijing to launch research into strategies and pathways for the prioritized development of urban public transport under new circumstances, a strategic research and consulting project of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). More than 50 CAE members and experts from relevant organizations and the project team attended the meeting.
The team presented an overview of the project and updates on its various subtopics. CAE members and experts noted that the project will offer new perspectives for the healthy and sustainable development of public transportation in China, propose strategic approaches and new initiatives to address current challenges, and help foster new quality productive forces in the transportation sector.
Participants recommended that the project team deepen their analysis of new circumstances, conduct a comprehensive study of the current state of public transportation, and analyze the causes and trends of changes in transportation networks. They also emphasized the importance of intensifying research on how intelligent technologies can improve public transport services.