
International Efforts


Nanjing hosts intelligent manufacturing conference

  • Published: Dec 16, 2021
  • Source: CAE
  • Font size: BigMediumSmall

Nanjing city hosted the World Intelligent Manufacturing Conference on December 8, 2021 sponsored by the Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the China Association for Science and Technology.


Conference guests delivered keynote speeches on topics including training talent in intelligent manufacturing, the deep integration of the digital economy and the manufacturing industry as well as digital services, the development of intelligent manufacturing driven by the digital economy, high-quality development of the manufacturing industry,  digital transformation, and green development and lean manufacturing. 

The opening ceremony included an awards ceremony for the first intelligent manufacturing innovation competition and the release of the 2021 World Top Ten Scientific and Technological Advances in Intelligent Manufacturing.