
International Efforts


Li Xiaohong attends CAETS 2023 Annual Meetings in Croatia

  • Published: Nov 13, 2023
  • Source: CAE
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From October 8 to 12, 2023, Li Xiaohong, President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), participated in the CAETS 2023 Annual Meetings in Zagreb, Croatia hosted by the Croatian Academy of Engineering on a rotating basis.


Established in 1978, CAETS is one of the most important academic organizations in the international engineering and technological sciences community with 31 member academies.


At the Council meeting, CAETS' primary decision-making body, Li participated in reviewing the minutes of the CAETS 2022 and the 2023 Board Meeting report, voted on administrative affairs, and discussed the preparations for the CAETS 2024 and CAETS 2025.


The meeting also heard reports from the CAETS Communication Committee, the Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, the Energy Committee, the Engineering Education Working Group, and the Engineering for SDGs Working Group. It welcomed applications for membership from the engineering academies of Singapore and Poland, and agreed to accept them as new members. CAE member Wu Zhiqiang, recommended by the academy as a member of the CAETS Communication Committee, also attended the meeting. 


The theme of the CAETS 2023 Technical Symposium was “e2-mobility: Solutions and Opportunities”. More than 200 participants, including representatives from CAETS member academies and experts from the Croatian engineering community, attended the symposium. An expert recommended by the CAE delivered a keynote report entitled "The Application of Batteries in Energy and Transportation Transformation".


During the CAETS Annual Meetings, Li met with leaders from the engineering academies of the United States, South Korea, Argentina and the United Kingdom. He also had friendly exchanges with delegations from Japan, Australia, Finland, France, Germany, and other countries.


The visit of the CAE delegation further enhanced its influence within CAETS and its capacity to participate in global S&T governance. It strengthened exchanges between the CAE and other CAETS member academies, consolidated existing mechanisms of cooperation, and expanded future areas of collaboration as it plays a positive role in promoting unity and cooperation within the international engineering and technological community.