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Key takeaways of Xiao's speech

  • Published: Oct 26, 2021
  • Source: China Daily
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-China's construction industry has seen great progress in the 70 years since the country's establishment. The rapid development of the national economy has created an unprecedented scale of engineering construction, providing a golden opportunity for the improvement of China's engineering construction capacity.

-The industry's ability to deal with technical difficulties and complicated engineering problems has been greatly enhanced, and its overall strength has been remarkably bolstered. The sector has gone through an extraordinary process and made outstanding achievements.

-It has become one of the pillar industries of the nation, and has offered a considerable number of employment opportunities and significantly improved people's living conditions.

-The progress was driven by the nation's rapid technological advancements, which were propelled by continuous technological investments, a constantly improved scientific and technological system, and remarkable innovation outcomes.

-The industry's future development will focus on the building of green, intelligent, high-quality, and international construction.

-In the future, the upgrading of city and urban planning, the aim of ecological protection, and the implementation of a series of super infrastructure projects will place higher requirements on the industry, and bring huge opportunities.
There will be broad room for development and promising prospects.

-Xiao hopes the teachers and students of the University of Hong Kong will actively engage in the development of Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. The mainland has ample space, and needs capable people with knowledge, he added.


Xiao Xuwen (left), chief expert of the China State Construction Engineering Corp and an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, speaks at the University of Hong Kong on Monday during a lecture on Chinese architecture. EDMOND TANG / China Daily