International Cooperation



CAE President Zhou Ji Met with Professor Jack Golden, President of the Irish Academy of Engineering

  • Published: Mar 28, 2011
  • Source: CAE
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CAE President Zhou Ji met with Prof. Jack Golden, President of the Irish Academy of Engineering, also the Human Resources Director of the Old Castle Group, at the CAE building in Beijing on January 12, 2011. The two sides held an enjoyable and fruitful conversation, in which views as to future collaboration and communication were exchanged.


During the meeting, President Zhou extended his warm welcome to Prof. Jack Golden and his delegation. With regard to the science and technology cooperation between the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Irish Academy of Engineering, Zhou put that, since 2008, the win-win cooperation between the two sides turned out to be quite fruitful, and sound interaction and communication well maintained.


 Prof. Jack Golden expressed his gratitude for Zhou’s hospitality and warm reception, who proceeded to give a briefing on the general information of Irish Academy of Engineering, as well as its major issues of concerns for year 2010 and 2011, namely, energy, climate change and applicable scientific researches. He also spoke about Ireland’s economic environment. Prof. Jack Golden said that facing the current globalization trend, Ireland attaches great importance to the research and development in fields like chemical industry, electronic engineering, computer software industry. Jack extended his wish that more exchanges and cooperation between the two academies be carried out, who also expressed his warm welcome to Chinese enterprises to make investments or establish businesses in Ireland.


President Zhou introduced China’s “Twelfth Five-Year” plan, pointing out that the formulation of this plan stressed more on the deepening of reform and the transformation of the economic growth mode. Zhou said this plan takes scientific and technological progress as well as innovation as the important support for the acceleration of the transformation of the mode of economic development, and takes the construction of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society as the major focus to achieve the desired transformation.


President Zhou highlighted the cooperative projects between the two academies, who also expressed his warm support for the convening of the seminar on manufacturing industry development and innovative design in the coming fall. Zhou also suggested that such seminars could be held more regularly, say, twice every year, with one held in China and the other held in Ireland. In these seminars, academic discussions can be organized regarding areas that both sides are interested in, such as information science and technology, new energy, new materials, biotechnology, food safety and so on. In this way, the exchanges and interaction between research personnel of both nations, esp. between young scientists and engineers can be effectively promoted, and cooperation in engineering education between the two sides can be further deepened, thus more contributions can be made for the economic and social sustainable development of both nations, as well as the improvement of people’s livelihood. Also present in the meeting was Mr. Peter Buckley, Regional Director for China of the Irish Old Castle Group.


The Irish Academy of Engineering was founded in May 1997, with the overall objective set on advancing the science and practice of engineering in Ireland, supporting the expansion and enhancement of engineering education as an essential element in national development, and providing consultation service for government and businesses. There are 120 Members in total in the Irish Academy of Engineering, mainly from research institutes, government agencies and the industrial world. The Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE) is a member of Euro-CASE, enjoying good cooperation relationship with the National Academy of Engineering, USA, the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (RAEng) and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), which is currently strengthening its collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). (By Zhu Yu, February 2011; translated by Liu Chang)