International Cooperation



The Fifth Shanghai International Conference on Cutting-Edge Technology and Clinical Translation in Orthopedics Held in Shanghai

  • Published: Aug 25, 2011
  • Source: CAE
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The Fifth Shanghai International Conference on Cutting-Edge Technology and Clinical Translation in Orthopedics, co-hosted by the Medicine and Health Academic Division of CAE, the Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University and Shanghai Academician Center, was held in Shanghai from June 18 to 19, 2011. The conference was presided over by CAE Member Dai Kerong, in which Prof. Chen Hongzhuan, Deputy Dean of the School of Medicine in Shanghai Jiaotong University, also Mr. Shi Qianghua, Executive Deputy Director of the Shanghai Academician Center, also Deputy Inspector of the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai, attended and addressed the opening ceremony. 

The conference was attended by over 600 participants, who are orthopedic doctors, experts specialized in related areas, and representatives of industries, from the Mainland of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Asia Pacific, Europe as well as the America. Chairman as well as Secretary General of various international associations or societies such as Orthopaedic Society of the Chinese Medical Association, SICOT (Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie, that is, International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology), the World Chinese Orthopaedic Association, and ICHTS (International Chinese Hard Tissue Society) introduced newest technology and concept in orthopaedics by means of invited keynote speeches, lectures focused on certain specialized area, case study and discussion, simulated surgery demonstration. Besides, experts specialized in science and engineering, management as well as industries were invited to attend the conference, who discussed in great depth the implementation strategies of transforming new achievements in orthopaedics into clinical application, as well as existing problems. 

Orthopedic translational medical studies enjoy an early start, thus have already yielded remarkable results. Still, this conference can help participants to further improve their understanding and knowledge of domestic and international progress in orthopedics, thus improve the efficiency to transform basic medical researches into clinical scientific and technological achievements, strengthen the collaboration among institutes of higher learning, hospitals and enterprises, making it possible for Chinese researchers in the orthopedic sector to catch up with their foreign counterparts in terms of new drugs and new equipment research & development. (By Li Xiangtai, July 2011; translated by Liu Chang)