International Cooperation



ICEE attends the 1+X 'Industrial Internet Identification Data Planning Application' Vocational Skill Level Certificate Explanation Meeting

  • Published: Jun 4, 2021
  • Source: CAE
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On the afternoon of April 20, 2021, Ms. SHEN Ye, Deputy Secretary General of the Global Corporate Partnership Board of ICEE, attended and spoke at the 1+X 'Industrial Internet Identification Data Planning Application' Vocational Skill Level Certificate Explanation Meeting on behalf of ICEE. This online meeting was jointly held by ICEE-Huahe STEAM Education Research Base and Beijing Yule World Education Technology Co., Ltd. (“Yule World”)

Ms. SHEN gave a speech titled “A Tentative Approach To Foreign And Domestic Vocational Education”. Ms. SHEN briefly introduced ICEE and the International Conference on Vocational Education held by UNESCO every ten years; the difference among dual-track, single-track, branch type systems of vocational education in the world; current situation of vocational education in developed countries such as Germany, UK and US, and the development of vocational education in China,etc. Ms. SHEN also proposed to pay close attention to issues in engineering education such as lifelong learning channels for vocational education, vocational education and university education channels, and professional iteration of vocational education itself. Ms.SHEN hoped to conduct in-depth discussions and studies together with more peers and experts.


Online speech by Ms. SHEN Ye

Mr.LIU Binli, CEO of Beijing Yule World Education Technology Co., Ltd., said in his speech that Yule World is China’s only platform for training K16 technological innovation talents from primary and secondary schools through higher education. Mr. LIU hoped to train more industrial internet talents to meet the demands by industrial development through integration of industry and education, and cooperation between universities and enterprises.

Delegations from five universities and organizations made speeches at this meeting. More than 400 people including delegations of universities, university staff such as discipline leaders and core teachers, representatives from universities and companies, relevant personnel from training evaluation organizations who plan to participate in the work on “Industrial Internet Identification Data Planning Application” attended the meeting and exchanged ideas online. It is also one of ICEE’s important events on academic advising and exchange for global corporate partners.

(Edited by: SHEN Ye; Reviewed by: WANG Sunyu)