International Cooperation



ICEE Launches A Signing and Presentation Activity to Celebrate the 110th Anniversary of Tsinghua University

  • Published: May 17, 2021
  • Source: CAE
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On the occasion of the 110th anniversary of Tsinghua University, April 24-25, 2021, ICEE distributed 1100 copies of the Executive Summary (Chinese version) of the UNESCO Engineering Report titled Engineering for Sustainable Development to the teachers and students of the University and its alumni for free. With coordinated efforts from the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and Tsinghua University, the Engineering Report was jointly published by UNESCO and ICEE, and received strong support from international organizations such as the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO). The Report was formally launched on March 4, 2021-- the World Engineering Day.

As one of the flagship reports of UNESCO, the Engineering Report calls on the governments, companies, universities, research institutions, and the public of UNESCO member states to pay more attention to engineering, and take concrete actions to advance the sustainable development goals across the world through engineering. Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, said “Engineering for Sustainable Development is an important milestone in the standard-setting work of UNESCO”.


While distributing the Engineering Report, ICEE also meticulously organized the signing activity themed in Engineering for Sustainable Development. Experts and scholars including CAE academician LIU Baixin; Tsinghua University Vice Presidents JIANG Shengyao and JI Junmin; former Vice President XIE Weihe; ZHUANG Lijun, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University; WANG Jinsong, President of Northwestern Polytechnical University; CONG Zhentao, Director at the Office of the Party Committee and the President’s Office of Tsinghua University; WFEO President GONG Ke; SONG Jun, Secretary at the Secretariat of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST); QI Rang, former President of CAST; SUN Hongbin, Vice President of Taiyuan University of Technology; WU Jianping, member of the Engineering Environment Committee of WFEO, and teachers from the Institute of Education Tsinghua University, as well as all members of ICEE participated in this event.


This event attracted extensive attention from the teachers, students and alumni of Tsinghua University, and achieved good results. A total of more than 1000 teachers, students, alumni as well as relevant leaders, experts and scholars received the Engineering Report, and actively participated in the signing event. The seniors , little kids, wheelchair-bound persons, as well as female engineers came in front of the display board, carefully reading the Engineering Report, asking ICEE staff about the Report, and signing their names to express the support for the Engineering Report and the UN SDGs.


Through this event, ICEE not only enhance the ambition and belief of the young generation of engineers in advancing the SDGs, but also involved more representative populations (e.g. women, children and senior citizens) in supporting sustainable development so as to expand the influence of the idea of sustainable development and make joint contributions to a world in harmony with nature.

(Edited by: CHEN Huimin; Reviewed by: XU Lihui, WANG Sunyu)