International Cooperation



ICEE Distinguished Strategic Expert KANG Jincheng: International Cooperation in Three Rural Contributes to the Construction of Community of Common Destiny

  • Published: Jul 1, 2022
  • Source: ICEE
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April 27, 2022, the anniversary seminar of the Ecological Product Value-Realization Mechanism, sponsored by the Association of Senior Scientists and Technologists of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, was held in Beijing. SUN Jian, President of the Association of Senior Scientists and Technologists of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, introduced the Ecological Product Value-Realization Mechanism and reviewed the work in the past year. KANG Jincheng, Distinguished Strategic Expert of UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education (ICEE) and Vice President of China High-Tech Industrialization Association, was invited to attend the seminar and delivered a speech on "International Cooperation in Three Rural (agriculture, rural areas, and farmers)Contributes to the Construction of Community of Common Destiny." 

At the meeting

KANG Jincheng pointed out that rural revitalization and the Three Rural campaign are important strategic measures to enrich the people and rejuvenate the country. In making the country truly strong, it is necessary to let the people, especially the farmers, gain from their hard work and realize the value of their products to lead a decent life. As China continues to open to the world, the scope and scale of international exchanges and cooperation are becoming wider and wider. In rural revitalization and the Three Rural campaign, international exchanges and cooperation will also achieve great results, benefiting at least two aspects. Firstly, through the international exchanges and cooperation, China can be an excellent example of good practice for ecological product value realization mechanism abroad, especially in the countries along the "area." For instance, most African countries are introduced to share, to make them together with the Chinese get harvest and affordable, to strengthen the relationship of mutual benefit between China and these countries and the friendship. Secondly, international exchanges and cooperation introduce other countries' good experiences and practices of their value of ecological products to China. Later China can improve the product quality to realize trade financing and integration with other countries. For example, Danish cookies and New Zealand Kiwi fruit have regional characteristics and high quality. Therefore, it is worth learning how to establish their brands, implement ecological origin product certification, and ensure their quality to generate higher premium rates.

In addition, to carry out international exchanges and cooperation, we should fully use existing global resource platforms and carry out horizontal international unity. ICEE was established to promote the training of engineering talents, especially female engineers, in developing countries, especially African countries, and to improve engineering capacity building in these regions and countries. Through this international engineering education platform, China, under the guidance of UNESCO, can help train many engineers and technicians who produce products of ecological origin in countries along the "Belt and Road" and work with them to develop and become rich and build a beautiful and prosperous community of humankind.

The conference was hosted by the Association of Senior Scientists and Technologists of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and co-hosted by the Ecological Origin Committee of the China Forestry and Environment Promotion Association, The Research Center of Digital Agriculture and Green Energy of the Renmin University of China, and the Planning and Design Center of China Consulting & Consulting Group. The conference was held at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and was conducted online and onsite simultaneously. FU Ming, Vice president of the Ecological Origin Committee of China Forestry and Environment Promotion Association chaired the meeting.


(Edited by XU Lihui, KANG Jincheng; Reviewed by WANG Sunyu)