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Summit Forum on New Energy Materials 2019 Held in Beijing

  • Published: Dec 10, 2019
  • Source: CAE
  • Font size: BigMediumSmall

The 6th Summit Forum on New Energy Materials, guided by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and hosted by the China Non-Ferrous Metals Industry Association, took place in Beijing on December 5, 2019.


CAE Vice President Zhong Zhihua attended and delivered a speech in the meeting which also included a report by CAE member Gan Yong and participation of CAE member He Jilin.


Zhong pointed out that vigorously developing new energy materials is an urgent task that scientific, technological and business circles must work together to advance. The development of China’s new materials industry has made great progress, the scale of the industry has continued to expand and its overall strength has been greatly improved. However, compared with countries at an international advanced level, China still has a long way to go in the new energy and new materials industries, and faces a pressing need of breakthroughs and upgrades.


Gan’s report entitled “Advanced Material Development Strategy for a Powerful Manufacturing Nation” analyzes development trends in materials technology, outlines a development strategy for the new materials industry and proposes the development of a manufacturing technology innovation system.


In the meeting, many experts gave special reports on several issues in new energy materials, analyzed the development of industry enterprises, and discussed hot topics such as the application of new energy and new materials as well as new energy vehicles, investment and financing, environmental protection and routes to competitive advantage.


The forum aims to exchange ideas on the development direction of the industry, discuss new energy and new materials industry plans, and become a bellwether leading the development of the global new energy and new materials industries.